---------Goddess Love Unlimited--------

Emo Cards

Thoughtless Tee's
Slogans and such....
Emo Cards
More cards.....


(All art cards are drawn by Brendon Mroz - gay artiste extraordanaire)

Ever wondered what misery looked like, how about malice?
Well, now you can see for yourself.

Perhaps now you can avoid them or help them heal
or even send them to a friend if you know someone
who might need to look at them up close

The cards are a first in a series that B.Mroz is working on.
They are offered exclusively thru Goddess Love Unlimited
but if you reach out and touch B. anything could happen

As with everything that Goddess Love is involved in,
the cards are more than art

More than critique, more than kitsch
Deeper even.....
How deep is up to you


Pick a card that speaks to you
Pick a card that rings true

If you feel drawn, don=t fight it
=s the right one

More cards.....

If you want to contact B. Mroz directly you can do so at: themountainking@allofyourgodsaredead.com
His range covers much more than these....

Officially registered member of TSE

Shala Bennett